This Strava review By Outdoor Gear Lab
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By Outdoor Gear Lab
Strava Review
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Pros: App on phone, intuitive, social aspect, range of features, KOM
Cons: Touch screen (no gloves), options while riding, phone exposed to elements, no auto stop option
Editors’ Rating: 5 Star
Manufacturer: Strava
Our Verdict
STRAVA is a unique alternative to a bike computer: a cycling app. If you ride a bike and want to keep track of those rides, the STRAVA app is for you (heck, it is for everyone). Free of cost and loaded onto your smart phone, STRAVA keeps track of distance, time, elevation, calories, and speed. Third-party components allow heart rate and cadence tracking, and an upgraded membership accesses power output, your suffer score, and GPX file exporting. STRAVA uses GPS to accurately keep track of your route, whether on the roads or on the trails.
The real-time monitoring of metrics isn’t as easy or considered as GPS-specific bike computers like the Garmin Edge 810 or Garmin 200, but STRAVA is a good alternative that provides similar results. The STRAVA website adds a great social aspect to training. It is extremely easy to use, giving in-depth analysis of recent rides and connecting you with friends and strangers alike. You can compare your efforts to yourself, as well as to athletes all around the world.
If you want a tool to record rides from commutes to intense training rides and you already own a smart phone, STRAVA is an excellent choice.
Check out the The Best Bike Computer Review to compare other bike computer models.
While we don’t recommend using a smartphone and an app while in the saddle, Strava allows you to track and record your rides even if you do not own a GPS enabled dedicated cycling computer like the Garmin Edge 500. Limited battery life will keep you on shorter rides, but this app can be a good transition for someone without a computer to the ride tracking online communities.
Review by David
Is this a good review?
Personally I love Strava – almost the new facebook exclusively for athletic type activities. That was a 2015 review. . . Where is this heading and what will change?
What do Strava have to say about themselves?
“Formed in 2009 Strava is the Swedish word for “strive,” which epitomizes who we are and what we do: If you’re striving to improve, no matter your goals or ability, you’re one of us.
Our website and mobile apps bring athletes together from all walks of life and inspire them to unlock their potential – both as individuals and as communities. From Olympians to weekend warriors, we’re out there on the road and trail, all over the world, day after day.”
Jump2 Strava on facebook and checkout some of their stories and articles
Jump on and connect with Ride Gold COast’s Club on Strava
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